The main goal of Live Animations is to contribute to the technological progress of mankind and help manufacturers of useful goods and services to succeed.
Following it, we launched a platform on the market designed to significantly increase the level of sales of large online trading platforms, as well as manufacturers directly selling their products through the network.
Our new product has become the WebAR platform for e-commerce AugmentEcom. It integrates with online stores and allows their customers to “try on” products in their space even before placing an order.
The principle of operation is quite simple: 3D models of goods are loaded into the system (you can make them yourself or order from us). After which the user gets the opportunity to consider the product in all three dimensions and check how it will look in its setting.
This product is ideal for sellers of furniture, household appliances and other household goods. But its use is not limited to these segments. After all, so that we do not buy through the network, you always want to consider the future property in all details.
The usefulness of such a tool is difficult to overestimate. World statistics show that:
In addition, recently online stores have to process a large number of returns. They return an average of 30% of the purchase, and this is a real problem for the operating activities of companies. Our platform solves this problem by reducing the number of returns by an average of 20%. AugmentEcom is efficient, simple and relatively inexpensive. Management of it does not require any special knowledge and is carried out using a special CMS.